Just a Game?

It all started after I made a YouTube account. I'm in a hurry or else he'll find out. I will admit I do play games and do all that baloney, I also record them and put it on YouTube. But I was having trouble trying to record "Slender". To be completely honest, I did not take this in a creepy fashion. I would rage for a little bit and try to fix it, and then it will work.
It wasn't that the recorder was broken, just that whenever I would start the game the next few minutes I turn around and there he is. I would get so frustrated and annoyed about the noise it will make when you lose. I know the myth of the Slenderman and how it is supposed to be related to the Enderman in Minecraft.
So it really didn't phase me. But it finally got to me. I usually jump a lot and seem overly dramatic about scary games although I don't try to be, so I try not to play them but Slender seemed like an exception I guess.
When I went to bed that night and had a dream about waking up and going into the forest exactly the same as in Slender. So by instinct and watching videos about it, I looked for pages. There is this building where you go first, supposedly. But getting near it made my stomach curl up and disappear, out of existence. The pain and weirdness of the feeling kept me frozen in place.
I tried struggling, or do anything to get me out of the trance but to no avail. I finally realized the source of my pain, and looked down at my belly. A massive hole appeared to where my belly button used to be and then a massive black tentacle came into view, replacing the hole in my belly.
Pissing my pants was out of the question because of the immense pain in my belly was unbearable. I can still feel the creature's tentacle letting out a static sound, like a T.V. without signal, and stretching my wound and getting it's tentacle out of my body and grabbing my neck. The skin was nothing I would have ever imagined: The fabric used to make tuxedos.
I can see the tentacle, without a sign of blood pulling my head, and with one swift and quick movement, took my head and pulled it through the hole in my belly, making it bigger and make it stick out my back. My eyes wide with fright and teary of the horrible creature I was face to face before I supposedly died, seeing a little glimpse before my shameful, pitiful end. Well it actually has no face because I was staring into the faceless face of the Slenderman, with where it's mouth was supposed to be, stretched to the top of its head. It put it's face up to mine and got even more terrified when I couldn't feel any breath coming from its mouth or nose.
We touched and then I woke up on another forest floor, horrified about my past experience and thinking this one couldn't be much worse. I stand up and turn around, with the same horror story in mind, staring at the smiling face of it again. My body frozen again, it takes it's tentacle-like arm and shoves it in my throat and taking out my heart with the quickest hand I've seen. All I saw was my heart in the hand of the Slenderman before I fell to the ground, lifeless and realize this is no nightmare.
I wake up again lying on the forest floor...with a blurry white figure waiting for me, next to a page on a tree with something written on it: ''"Is this a game to you?"''.
''Written by Kilometer''